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External experts


The Council is currently looking for more external experts. To apply, please find all the information at the bottom of this page.


In the frame of the scientific evaluation of regulatory dossiers and other biosafety-related matters, the Biosafety Advisory Council and the Biosafety and Biotechnology Unit (SBB) can call for the scientific support of external experts. This cooperation with scientists is very important to deliver scientifically sound advices to the competent authorities. The Biosafety Council and the SBB are indeed unique interfaces between the academic and the regulatory areas in the field of biotechnology.
For this purpose, the Biosafety Council and the SBB have drawn up a common list of experts, subdivided into 5 groups:

GM plants

Includes scientists having expertise in (genetically modified) plants​

GM animals

Includes scientists having expertise in (genetically modified) animals​

GM food/feed

​Includes scientists having expertise in food and feed aspects (e.g. nutrition, allergenicity, toxicology)

Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy

​Includes scientists having expertise in gene therapy and/or (recombinant) viruses

Genetically modified micro-organisms - Bacteria and Fungi

Includes scientists having expertise in micro-organisms other than viruses​

Current list of scientific experts assisting the Biosafety Council and the SBB in their work

Name Institution Field(s) of expertise
ANNÉ Jozef (Prof. Dr. ir.)

Microbiology and Immunology

  • Genetically modified micro-organisms - Bacteria and Fungi
BATOKO Henri (Prof.)

Louvain Institute of Biomolecular Science and Technology

  • GM plants
  • GM food/feed
DE LOOSE Marc (Prof.)

Technology and FOOD

  • GM plants
DE MEY Marjan (Prof. Dr. ir.)

UGent - Centre for Synthetic Biology

  • Genetically modified micro-organisms - Bacteria and Fungi
DEPICKER Ann (Prof. Dr.)

UGent - VIB- VIB
Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics - Plant systems Biology

  • GM plants
DEWALS Benjamin (Prof.)

Infectious and parasitic diseases

  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
DOMMES Jacques (Prof. Dr.)

Department of Life Sciences

  • GM plants
FIEMS Leo (Dr. ir.)

ILVO - Instituut voor Landbouw en Visserijonderzoek
Animal Sciences

  • GM food/feed
FONTAINE Véronique (Prof. Dr.)

ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Faculté de Pharmacie

  • Genetically modified micro-organisms - Bacteria and Fungi
GHANEM Michel (Dr. Ir.)

Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

  • GM plants
GHEYSEN Godelieve (Prof. Dr.)

Molecular Biotechnology

  • GM plants
GIJSBERS Rik (Ass. Prof. Dr.)

Viral Vector Technology & Gene Therapy

  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
GILIS Dimitri (Prof. Dr.)

Université Libre de Bruxelles - Computational biology & bioinformatics

  • GM food/feed


  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
HUYGHEBAERT André (Prof. Dr. Ir - emeritus)

Food Safety and quality

  • GM food/feed
MÜLLER Ruth (Prof. Dr.)

Institute of Tropical Medicine

  • GM animals
REHEUL Dirk (Prof. Dr. ir.)

UGent - Dept. Plants and Crops

  • GM plants
ROEBROEK Anton (Prof. Dr.)

Human Genetics

  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
TENENBAUM Liliane (Dr.)

Lausanne University Hospital
Clinical Neurosciences

  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
TWIZERE Jean-Claude (Dr.)

ULiège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech

  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
VAN BREUSEGEM Frank (Prof. Dr.)

VIB - Ugent
Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

  • GM plants

Institut J. Bordet
Hematologie en Oncohematologie

  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
VAN DIJCK Patrick (Prof.)

VIB - KULeuven
Biology and Molecular Microbiology
Laboratory Molecular Cell Biology

  • Genetically modified micro-organisms - Bacteria and Fungi

VIVES campus Roeselaere

  • GM plants
VAN LAREBEKE Nicolas (MD, Dr., emeritus)

VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Analytical and Environmental Chemistry

  • GM food/feed
VAN MIERT Erik (Dr.)

Firmenich BELGIUM S.A. N.V.

  • GM food/feed

Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Biodiversity and natural environment

  • GM plants

Institut de Recherches Microbiologiques J-M Wiame

  • Genetically modified micro-organisms - Bacteria and Fungi

ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Institut J. Bordet - Immunologie Moléculaire

  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
ZORZI Willy (Dr.)

Service d'Histologie Humaine, Faculté de Médecine

  • Recombinant viral vectors, virosomes, vaccines, gene therapy
  • Genetically modified micro-organisms - Bacteria and Fungi

Experts are consulted on a case-by-case basis, depending on the specific expertise needed to assess a dossier. The expertise is done in most of the cases according to a written procedure. The experts are entitled to receive a financial allowance for their scientific work.
The common list of experts is regularly updated and continuously open for new candidates. This is an opportunity to include scientists who are interested in providing their support to the work of the Biosafety Council and the SBB.
Interested individuals are required to submit to the attention of the SBB a motivation letter and a nomination form corresponding to the expert group in which they would like to be included (see relevant documents below) together with a copy of their CV.
Downloadable documents (Word files)

For your information please have also a look at the code of conduct for experts, a document that each expert must sign each time he/she participates in the expertise of a dossier.